Towards New Artistic Horizons

Jewellery Line

It is in the pursuit of excellence that Deglupta finds its main point of contact with Alpha Style, historic Venetian company, who selects the most rare and precious gemstones, and then processes thm in its own laboratories, realizing exclusive jewels with multiple nuances.
The light of each gemstone is combined in a harmonic way with each creation od Deglupta.
Januario Jano

Januario Jano was born in Luanda and completed its education at the Guidlhall University (London Met) in 2005, majoring in Design Studies.
His expressive search refers to the African symbolic language, which recalls his own origins, and is merged with the pop culture, focused in particular on the childhood memories and the “Kwicks Pop” cartoons’ graphic.
His works, the result of a perfect fusion between tradition and street-art, have been exposed in several corners of the world, and today Yano can be proud of his international artistic baggage.
Among the numerous awards conferred to the artist there is also, in 2016, the Arte Laguna Prize, international contemporary art event of whom Deglupta is partner, which took place in the Venetian Arsenale.